
By katerina - 29/11/2013 22:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I overheard my parents talking about me and discussing how I've never had a boyfriend. My mum laughed that maybe they should pay someone to go out with me, and my dad replied, "Heh, not enough money in the world." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 373
You deserved it 4 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dallasluver19 14

Nice parents you got there. You should prove them wrong.

plagiarismo 16

Can I, like, buy you some new parents?


ariellove1992 8

I would of came in and said, " I charge a minimum $100 for a night"

When you do get a boyfriend one day, don't introduce him to your parents. Who knows what asshole thing they might say.

RedDragonx32 8

Sorry OP. I'm sure they were only joking but yes that's really mean of them. Don't worry about what anybody has to say. It's your life not theirs. U will find someone.

:) It's okay they have to pay for the wedding laugh at them then

ur parents are the least honest im guessing

I would have walked in on then and been like..." You guys need to learn how to whisper...I could hear your whole conversation" and then walk out

Damn, you know it's a problem when both your parents think they can't even pay someone to date

oh, dont worry, smday ull find him for free