
By HiddlePuff - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, while teaching my class, I hooked my laptop up to the projector and put on a documentary. I left it playing and went to the toilet. When I came back, the whole class was talking to my mother. She must've Skyped me while I was gone and someone answered the call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 724
You deserved it 8 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on. Thats pretty freakin awesome

Maybe give your mom a schedule of when you are teaching and tell her not to try and Skype you between those times


at least they didn't see anything inappropriate

Didn't she know that you were in the middle of class?

Hey class, watch this. I'm gonna go take a shit. If my mom calls, tell her I'm busy teaching.

chef4money 12

I'm sure the class loved talking to her and it was probably a nice change of pace for your mom.

At least someone was watching the class and your mother didn't Skype you naked or something.

literallyno 5

how is that bad? that would be pretty damn cool

One of my teachers used to answer our phones and talk to the person if the phone rang during class. I think it's kinda funny