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By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 21:56 - Isle of Man

Today, I went to the toilet during drama class, not because I had to actually go, but because I wanted to play Monopoly on my iPod. I lost track of time and came back twenty minutes later. My whole class listened while I was forced to tell my teacher I'd been really constipated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 897
You deserved it 47 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really constipated? That's the best lie you could come up with? How about being accosted by 6 ninjas in the hallway, and you narrowly escaped them with your life? If you're going to lie, at least make it a good one that doesn't make you look like a complete idiot.

Well it appears that situation went down the toilet.


Well it appears that situation went down the toilet.

fakeaccountX 6

Yeah, that pretty much sums up the situation.

who goes skips class to play monopoly on their phone

Hidan_fml 0

Why the **** would you come up with a lie like that? You could have made yourself sound cooler by saying you were hanging out with friends. Oh wait, I bet you don't have any. ********.

33, he probably made up an excuse so he would t get in trouble for playing monopoly on his iPod... get some common sense. oh wait, I bet you don't have any.

33-Lol naruto? what a freaking nerd/3rd grader. And as for OP, you would love my drama teacher, he let's us do whatever we want (text, play on iPod, etc)

he just should have said he threw up. then he could have potentially been sent home, and been able play more monopoly

Bubblerider 3
nicobington 1

first of all your fml name his hidan from naruto so the ******* 6 year old who has an iPhone stfu

inuyasha1618 7

46, you like dogs? no way. you must be a 3rd grader..

Milly143 3

46 must be a nerd/3rd grader to actually know what 33's picture was from

screw you guys I'm 17 and I still like naruto

LightningLadyy 0

Hahaha I would have just told the teacher they don't wanna know what went down in there ;P

manatees_r_epic 0
megamandude455 10

EPIC win is more like it 

That wasent much of a win.. Like at all

Good one lightning, btw same birthday :D

op was forced to tell the teacher in front of the whole class so op did not have the choice to only tell the teacher...

Midnight7787 0

Really constipated? That's the best lie you could come up with? How about being accosted by 6 ninjas in the hallway, and you narrowly escaped them with your life? If you're going to lie, at least make it a good one that doesn't make you look like a complete idiot.

I 100% agree w/ doc. if your going to go down, do it w/ a bang. not "oh, yeah, my bowls are f'ed up." o_O

Perhaps he should go with a classic... "There was a jungle cat in the bathroom!"

Hidan_fml 0

We'll get him next time, Doc. ;)

ellielovesyuh 0

agreed. ur in DRAMA class for Petes sake!

xavier1623 4

Obviously a better excuse is Running in and screaming 'TROLL IN THE DUNGEOOOON!!!' Before passing out.

63, you have just made my day and made me laugh. Thank you.


"I was hiding from the kid with a gun, I didn't see which way he went"

63 had the best idea although I would have said I was playing monopoly who cares it's drama class

Or even "there was a herd of sheep going across the hallway"

The good Harry Potter acting scene! LOVE IT!!

lkhardin 13

#63, thank you for making my day! Potterheads, woo!(:

nybsucubos 5

Sorry man but that is just terrible

perdix 29

You should have just told the truth -- you were hiding from your drunk mom who was passed out in the front row.