
By Anonymous - 18/06/2013 16:16 - United States - Mansfield

Today, I was planning on having sex with my girlfriend for the first time, so I asked my roomate to stay out of our apartment. About half-way through, my roomate blared "The Eye of the Tiger" from the other side of the door. My girlfriend laughed so hard that we couldn't finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 625
You deserved it 8 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your roommates has a badass sense of humor.

RedPillSucks 31

You weren't able to "rise" up?


catharsis5 9

I know a guy who blasted "I just had sex" while his roommate is with his girlfriend.

That, I think, had great intentions. And your girlfriend almost went for it, she just couldn't stop laughing. IF you'd gotten to finish with her I'd say give him a high-five; but it did ruin your _first time_ with her so he owes you big.

Perdition25 12

I had no idea **** blocking has become so accepted judging by a lot of the comments.

sugarbaby9908 20

Sorry dude...if that was me I would have used that as more motivation and finished the job...

Motivational song! But Cudve been a worse song to be fair :-p

and this is why you don't tell your roommate when you want to get your willy wet. make up another excuse to get him out

Thestem 6

how could you not finish to a classic song when that song is about finishing hard.

U definitely have to get him back for that

Now I remember why this song has been stuck in my head all day...