
By worldsbestjobgonebad - 19/10/2009 06:08 - Canada

Today, I was walking home from my acting gig at a haunted hayride. Even after spending lots of time washing the fake blood off my hands and face, I looked like I'd murdered someone. Perhaps that's why an officer stopped me and questioned me about a stabbing that happened earlier tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 4 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you, but I hope your eye twitched while he was talking to you. A little muttering under the breath wouldn't hurt either.

perdix 29

Fake blood washes off easily. The real stuff can be very difficult, especially when you're still on the adrenaline rush after killing. It get even harder when the cops come and your conscience kicks in -- you're not the bad-ass sociopath you thought you were, huh? Haunted hayride? Nice alibi, but it's not a license to kill. MWAHAHAHA!


goota love the cops. did you get arrested ? did it cost you $ 5000.00 to get out of trouble ? everyone who gets arrested spends that for sime reason.

OP neglected to conclude whether or not you you did the stabbing. I think you did it and you tried to act "shocked." They should fry your ass.

YDI for calling a haunted hay ride an "acting gig"

I came here to post this same thing. Enjoy telling everyone you're an "actor." At least you have one thing in common with most actors; you'll be out of a job in a month.

I missed the part where this is an FML. Having a cop stop to ask a few questions is more of a minor inconvenience. If he took you down to the station and you were grilled by team of detectives, that would be a different story.

Ya, i think he works at Saunder's farm. I went there this weekend.

alexcabot 0

YDI for thinking a job at a haunted hayride is an "acting gig."

thornrose22 4

Not seeing the FML. He questioned you - so what? It's not the end of the world since he did have reasonable cause to do so.

Spiffy 0

Do you happen to work at Halloween Haunt at Canada's Wonderland? Cause I work there too, and can completely understand where you're coming from cause I always wonder what people's reactions to my makeup would be when I'm driving home (even though I only have black paint around my eyes)

ChunAsperEndao 0

Yeah, that's where he works. Because there's only one haunted attraction in Ontario.

Spiffy 0

now now, I know there are lots more haunted attractions in Ontario, I was just asking if he happened to be working at Halloween Haunt