
By worldsbestjobgonebad - 19/10/2009 06:08 - Canada

Today, I was walking home from my acting gig at a haunted hayride. Even after spending lots of time washing the fake blood off my hands and face, I looked like I'd murdered someone. Perhaps that's why an officer stopped me and questioned me about a stabbing that happened earlier tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 4 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you, but I hope your eye twitched while he was talking to you. A little muttering under the breath wouldn't hurt either.

perdix 29

Fake blood washes off easily. The real stuff can be very difficult, especially when you're still on the adrenaline rush after killing. It get even harder when the cops come and your conscience kicks in -- you're not the bad-ass sociopath you thought you were, huh? Haunted hayride? Nice alibi, but it's not a license to kill. MWAHAHAHA!


Saunders Farm in Munster, Ontario --Outside Ottawa has one too

Jazzeh 0

Guh. I'm all bloodied up for a haunted trail tonight... I'll probably shit bricks if I get pulled over for something like that.

trilingualotaku 0

Just tellhim the truth. Unless it's a deuce cop which it probably was

and thats when you stab the cop! >=)

I don't like this post. I'd be far more sympathetic to the victim/relatives of the victim of the stabbing. The fact that you make an FML because people are trying to catch a killer is kinda sick.

For anyone saying it's not an acting gig, it very well can be called one. If he is playing in a character then he is acting. There is more to acting than TV, movies, plays, and Broadway.