Talk to me baby

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Norwalk

Today, I felt so lonely that I asked Siri to read me Wikipedia articles so that I could pretend I was having a conversation with a real human being. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 942
You deserved it 3 460

Top comments

Try to make online friends? It might help if you're that lonely.

It's okay op! We all have our down times, you just gotta get yourself out there! After all, strangers are just friends we haven't met yet!


Try to make online friends? It might help if you're that lonely.

wanna be my online friend? with benefits? *wink*

Mortoli 30

lol. i stay online. forever alone guy here otherwise ;)

It's okay op! We all have our down times, you just gotta get yourself out there! After all, strangers are just friends we haven't met yet!

Yeh I'd try to find an online game or something that's reasonably popular and see if u can't make any online friends that would help more than u might think

Well, eventually Siri's gonna run out of stuff to say; get yourself out there and make friends! If that seems a bit uncomfortable to you, then start out online. I've made a few friends that way, and I've definitely been in the same boat before, so I can empathize. Good luck :)

She's reading Wikipedia articles, it's gonna be a while before she runs out of articles to read from.

It's okay. Just don't get /too/ attached otherwise you'll end up with a love story fit for a Spike Jonze production.

KhaleesiDannie 26

Listen to creepy stories on YouTube not only will it feel like someone's talking to you but afterwards you'll feel like someone's with you and always watching

At least you're not lonely enough to make her start calling you 'daddy'.

Hey don't be so gloomy....we all are ur frndz.. just try and chat with some of us on FML....then you'll not feel lonely again.