
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 14:30 - United States

Today, I ordered ramen to go. I looked at my order and discovered a cockroach. Disgusted, I showed it to them, and they apologized by "replacing" it for free. Later on, while I was enjoying the delicious food, I once again discovered a cockroach buried under all the noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 711
You deserved it 6 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't trust that place a second time no matter how hungry I was.


Why the hell would you eat something from that place again?!?! Idiot.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". Why would you take MORE food from a place when you know it has roaches? I think a cockroach in your food is a pretty good indicator that they aren't a very sanitary restaurant. Ydi for continuing to eat there.

soyeah_whatsup 4

NASTY!! But why would you eat anything else from that place!!? You should have got your money back and left.

If I found any type of bug in my food I would take it back get my money back and leave I would not get another one

The_F3rris 11

That is an omen. All the food you drink shall be cockroach infested. All the ale you drink shall be ash in your mouth.

Why did you order there a second time though ?? I would have been disgusted the first time !!!

leahmae88 7

Well, you must have pissed them off!

Nanael_fml 4

Why the hell would you get ANOTHER order?!?! You deserved it