
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 14:30 - United States

Today, I ordered ramen to go. I looked at my order and discovered a cockroach. Disgusted, I showed it to them, and they apologized by "replacing" it for free. Later on, while I was enjoying the delicious food, I once again discovered a cockroach buried under all the noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 711
You deserved it 6 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't trust that place a second time no matter how hungry I was.


jeragonm 15

One pf the reasons i Don't eat/ like Asian food that much is their sanitation standards. They eat dogs which eat just about everything else, including poop.

You shoulda gave up after the first one

You STILL ate there after you saw the bug the first time?!! Are you nuts?! I would have sued the damn place. The biggest YDI ever dude.

Papiamilli 1

Why would you except the replacement cockroach noodles? If there is one there are many. I'm sure you have 1 in your tummy

redhedsaysrawr 18

Why the **** would you order RAMEN anyways? Go buy it for $1 at the grocery store and make it yourself... then you KNOW theres no roaches in there...

Tats just sad.. U should've went back and complained..

taliayungdiva 9

After i found the first roach i wouldnt go back for another ramen