
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 14:30 - United States

Today, I ordered ramen to go. I looked at my order and discovered a cockroach. Disgusted, I showed it to them, and they apologized by "replacing" it for free. Later on, while I was enjoying the delicious food, I once again discovered a cockroach buried under all the noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 711
You deserved it 6 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't trust that place a second time no matter how hungry I was.


I was just about to eat ramen.... Appetite=ruined

dDailydDosage 8
Yuiopy 4

Call the health department. That's nasty.

Ew report it to the department of health 0.o

Freedom92 12

Blech! I would never step foot in that restaurant again. They deserve to be out of business.

You should have asked for your money back instead of more food.

Well that's what you get who gets a roach in their food returns it and gets different food? Why wouldn't you get your money back?

I hope you reported them for that. Not to mention, why would you get more food from them after finding a bug in your dinner the first time? That alone would be enough to make me never return there.

Their fault for being unsanitary and having a cockroach in the first place. Your fault for letting them "replace" it. Would've just gotten my money back and eaten somewhere else.