
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 14:30 - United States

Today, I ordered ramen to go. I looked at my order and discovered a cockroach. Disgusted, I showed it to them, and they apologized by "replacing" it for free. Later on, while I was enjoying the delicious food, I once again discovered a cockroach buried under all the noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 711
You deserved it 6 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't trust that place a second time no matter how hungry I was.


Dude, you forgot to mention it without cockroach sauce/natural flavor!

Who orders ramen to go? Wouldn't it just be easier to cool it yourself? It takes two minutes.

thatonetribute 31

You could sue and get away with it!

purplegold 19

If you found a roach in that restaurants food, don't go back and eat more food from them!

_awwhellnaw_ 45

Why would you accept the replacement? YDI

A trick is to heavily salted before sending it back that way you'll know whether not you got a new one