
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 14:30 - United States

Today, I ordered ramen to go. I looked at my order and discovered a cockroach. Disgusted, I showed it to them, and they apologized by "replacing" it for free. Later on, while I was enjoying the delicious food, I once again discovered a cockroach buried under all the noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 711
You deserved it 6 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't trust that place a second time no matter how hungry I was.


Where I live there was a lady who had a cockroach in the lettuce of their burger. Yes it was alive and yes she ate half before she realized. Sometimes you should just stay away.. No matter how good the food is :( that's why I'm looking for a new phô place

Ok so let me get this straight. You got a cockroach in your meal, then on the replacement, you didn't think that it might be advisable to give a quick search?!?! YDI.

I would call the health department... Period...

Special_Psycho 8

Dude, you gotta call the health department. That's just plain nasty. Admit it, they are rip-off artists and greedy. And if they miraculously pull something off that prevents the H.D. from shutting them down, tell everyone about the roach(es).

wellfuuucckme 7

Am i the only one wondering what restaurant serves top ramen ?

Wrong order? Sure get a replacement. Live animals? I say a refund. And let your friends and family know they serve insects in their food. That's pretty damn disgusting and inexcusable but if you gave em hell for the roach then I see why they did it . Shoulda just taken note and reported it.

linkinpark98 23

…Have you not reported them to the health inspectors? What are you waiting for? Another cockroach to turn up?