
By yummy - 30/05/2011 03:34 - United States

Today, I learned that "eating someone out" didn't actually involve food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 571
You deserved it 84 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fuzzygraywolf 0

a wee bit behind on the learning curve are we? lol


LifeanDeath 2
jane79 0

* win* this is my favorite comment on this fml

LifeanDeath 2

wait? what does eating somone out mean? o.o I'm confused >.< I does have to do with food right? plz tell me I'm right >.

Eating out is the same as giving head, i.e. oral sex...

unless the person doing the eating is a zombie...

Slythrr 0

wth did you think it meant?!?!

solayback 0

priceless...kinda late there buddy ;-)