
By yummy - 30/05/2011 03:34 - United States

Today, I learned that "eating someone out" didn't actually involve food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 571
You deserved it 84 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fuzzygraywolf 0

a wee bit behind on the learning curve are we? lol


julieemaay 0

oh my god! ahahahahahahahahhahaha ! dumb.

Hey, I was 17 before I figured out what that meant. Don't be so hard on 'em.

steelersfan3250 0

so in other words it took u 17 yrs to finally get laid

no, in other words I was 23 when I first got laid. I was, however 16 when I ate out my girlfriend for the first time. Ass.

238, you're not even 17, stfu. Grow some balls and say it to his face next time, otherwise you're another punk ass bitch behind a keyboard. Do you even have a girlfriend? My condolences to anyone who denies themselves a real man

238 you're the one cuddling the do in your picture.

Wait... You ate out your girlfriend at 16 but didn't get laid until you we're 23? That doesn't seem fair to me.

ROFLMFAO you have to be joking! What did you think a ******** was done on, a white dandelion or hot food? And you thought that eating out meant at a restaurant? You fail by epic proportions.