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By toilet on the clock - 08/06/2016 10:40 - China - Guangzhou

Today, I learned that the three secretaries at work make spreadsheets about who uses the toilets, when and for how long, and then make bets on who will take the longest toilet break, who will use it the most often, etc. Now I constantly look at my watch whenever I use the toilets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 778
You deserved it 1 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

Just stay there for 15 minutes one day, make them all lose their bets and give them a wink when you walk out

Join the office betting pool, and soon the pot will be overflowing. C'mon, the spreadsheets are simple toilet humor.


sonasonic 34

Sounds like you don't know basic English.

Sound like someone is a bully. FML is wide known, and it's translated in all languages. So chill, mmm Kay? :-)

Do you really not understand that phrase? You really shouldn't be talking about not understanding things.

The app you're on is called "FML" (**** my life) so of course the person would be talking about a problem that only affects them

Join the office betting pool, and soon the pot will be overflowing. C'mon, the spreadsheets are simple toilet humor.

nonsensical 26

Just stay there for 15 minutes one day, make them all lose their bets and give them a wink when you walk out

I'm curious - is there some stereotype about Chinese and bathrooms that I'm not aware of?

People downvoting this comment probably haven't seen the other office bathroom FML "Today, my coworker cornered me in the office bathroom and insisted that, because she's been watching me, I use the bathroom too quickly and must not be washing my hands, and that I have to wash them from now on. FML"

Maybe the aforementioned office worker wanted him to wash his hands so he would take longer so she would win the bet...

Hack into their computer and delete the file, or report them for basically invading yours and others privacy.

Jesus Christmas, you could just take random times in there to screw them over. But no, its either doing something illegal or dumping someone on here.

MamaChey 24

#8: "Excuse me HR professional, I'd like to report a crime" HR: "A crime? Sit down. Have you reported it to the police? What IS it?" #8: "The secretaries are invading my privacy. They are timing my poops. EVERYONE'S, actually. I tried hacking into their PCs and deleting their spreadsheets, but that didn't work." HR: "Wait. What? You are fired." #8: "Aren't you gonna call Archer?" HR: "Archer? WTF? No. You are fired"

Well, I did say "or report them" meaning they don't HAVE to get in the computer. Gosh, no one LISTENS to me!

Well, honestly, recording someones toilet time isn't really invading privacy is it...

jassy33 1

Actually, it kind of is. It's really inappropriate to be monitoring someone's bathroom habits/times, it's none of their business. and it's certainly inappropriate to make friggin spreadsheets about the whole thing! Those three people crossed a line and should be reported for inappropriate behavior.

What boring lives they must lead if THAT'S how they have "fun!" Don't they have anything better to do, like I don't know... actually work?!

pumpkinpatch24 2

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on the company time.

My dad supperviser do it too but he is a depatcher for the police so they have to but I agree one time go in there for 15 min and let them lost for once