Thanks buddy

By jackmehoffa - 03/04/2012 18:10 - United States - Green Bay

Today, I posted on Facebook saying I'm in a new relationship. One of my buddies said, "You're cheating on Jill?" My girlfriend saw this and went completely nuts, not giving me a chance to explain that "Jill" is just a euphemism for your hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 842
You deserved it 5 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You call your hand, "Jill?" Good name I suppose. I call my fancy shower head, "Leo."

Explain it to your girlfriend if she's a keeper she'll understand. If she doesn't, you're probably better off with Jill. . .


It really takes "Jack and Jill" to a whole new level, eh.

loserboii 11

In a new relationship while already with your girlfriend? (;

Can't even get mad, that's a cute ass puppy

Your going to have your girlfriend apologising To your hand pretty soon, saying she didn't know you two were together and if she had she never would have dated you.

ManUrLifeSucks 1

Tell her Jill only helps when shes not there

jillianmathers12 13

Nice to know my name I well used!

perdix 29

I used to have a friend named Jill. I'd called her Jillsy in an aristocratic British accent. It was great fun.

trina101 0

I hope your relationship is ok

hahayourmom101 5

Jill- hold your left hand out, palm down, or right hand, palm up. and from your thumb to tip of index finger- J. in between the next fingers are the "I" "L" and "L"

Sparks808 10

Other way around. Left hand is palm up, right is palm down.

RedPillSucks 31

So if you're left handed, her name is Llij ? What if you're dyslexic?

OHai15 12

i have two, Jill and Llij. ... ambidextrous. :)

perdix 29

Wait until Rosie Palms and her five sisters find out!

KriiFahMoro 9
hahayourmom101 5

Oh yeah sorry... other way around.