By ohemgee23 - 19/02/2010 05:31 - United States
Same thing different taste
Bad pranks are annoying
By Anonymous - 17/01/2020 20:00
By FullMonty - 15/09/2012 23:26 - United States - Milwaukee
By creeped out - 12/06/2012 18:28 - United States - Smithtown
By IceMage - 18/01/2010 00:57 - United States
Kitchen nightmares
By Anonymous - 12/07/2022 02:00
By Anonymous - 12/01/2010 02:25 - Canada
By bubbalicious - 13/08/2009 20:57 - Canada
By SayCheese - 02/04/2013 22:52 - Canada - Prince George
By Anonymous - 03/08/2011 17:03 - United States
The big reveal
By joe - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Easton
Top comments
Either lie, lie lie or tell your parents that your little sister blackmailed you (producing the $10 for extra affect if need be), promised she wouldn't tell on you and then did. This may not work but it might redirect your parents wrath. Or you could just stop being such a **** in future! :-P
well her sister didn't blackmail her, she bribed her sister, so why would they get mad at her little sister and not her for this?
I agree with Jimboom. The OP could just stop being such a ****.
I agree! she was having with her boyfriend not some stranger. OP, fyl.
She's not a ****. She was doing it with her boyfriend: what in the world are you supposed to do with your girlfriend/boyfriend? Play cards?
lol yeah, I agree she is a MAJOR ****. your poor sister is now traumatised for life!! and how do you know how long she has been with this boyfriend...could of only been together for a day so stop sticking up for her, shes a ****, lets face it.
aGREE with #4 you shoud've send her out to play for a few hours ;p
I wish I could send my brother out for a few years. Not for the same reasons as op though.
69, that's horrible. 4, I agree with you!
69 your comment made me laugh. Thanks for pushing the boundaries of stupidity. If ya want to start a comment war you'll end up in tears so... Just don't start anything
milkshake, siblings suck sometimes, but when you look back on things, they're really not that bad. I would hate to be an only child.
I wonder how many fat people are going to cry "YDI FOR DOING SEXUAL STUFF! I'M A VIRGIN AND PROUD!" when in real life the reason they are virgins is because they make weird noises and run away whenever someone tries to talk to them.
Why is there any problem with this girl having sex? Best to start when you're young and at your sexual peak. It's a waste to wait until you're married, and anyways some people prefer not to marry at all. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and sex is the best part of life!
I'm a virgin and I'm not even fat, nerdy, or whatever other things you might say about me. what you guys don't know is that having sex in a young age can cause a lot of problems. not just the one that OP is in right now. but it's that a girls sexual organs don't really develope perfectly till their early 20s. so I don't wanna mess up my girlfriends life and she understands too, that's why I'm a virgin. not because I'm fat or anything u douche.
120, they don't care and that's why our society is so ******* stupid. and no, ur wrong, I've heard that those organs dont develope till adulthood from some doctors and people who know shit. so a dumbass like u shouldn't pull conclusions outta her ass.
Ialwaysydi, shut the **** up you ginger, fat, nerdy virgin. stop trying to make out you respect woments organs pfft..whatevs you do, more like you just cant get any and ur using that as an excuse.
Don't worry about that. You're so fat, that even a hug from you would crush her sex organs.
115-Thats just not true. A woman's "organs" are developed when she gets her period. Having sex at that age is not going to "damage" a girl. It makes no sense. And before this century, it was extremely for girls to be having kids at 14 and 15. The whole waiting until your 20's is a cultural/religious thing.
Lolz, my friend never talks and runs away when people talk to him, and he's fat... I mean just HUGE!
ydi for not locking the door.
lol he couldn't just kick the door open?
Earth to idiot: younger siblings have been telling parents about what older siblings do since the dawn of time. If you don't want to get told on, don't do things that set yourself up for it. YDI
AGREED. *Verrry well said, I might add.
Why would you make it easy for her to walk in? She's scarred for life and your trying to make her bottle it up.

ydi for doing it when your younger Sister was in the house.
She's being a **** for having sex with her boyfriend? If you say so, bitter virgin.