Thanks for that

By bride2be - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received my first wedding present in the mail. I opened it immediately and called the sender to say thanks. She yelled at me for opening it and, because she shipped it to me by mistake, requested it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 499
You deserved it 3 487

Top comments

Tell her you'll send it back immediately, but Ebay it instead for money. If she asks where it is, say it got lost in the post somewhere :P

Return a picture of your middle finger. What a bitch.


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Tell her you'll send it back immediately, but Ebay it instead for money. If she asks where it is, say it got lost in the post somewhere :P

atomicJ 0

how could she accidentally mail you something than get mad because you opened it. some people are truly insane

Congratulations on the marriage. What did the girl send? If it's anything good, don't send it back. Say it got lost in the post and keep it. =] Her fault for not stopping the post but if she got you another wedding present give it back and take the other one instead.

she obviously knows it didnt get lost in the post because she yelled at her AFTER discovering she opened it. herp derp.

#8, #7 meant for the OP to say it got lost in the mail when she "sent it back". Herp derp, idiot.

franwins0827 7

I guess this needs to be spelled out for you: 1. assure her you will indeed send it back 2. DON'T send it back 3. when she calls a week or two later and asks " Where is it? I thought you were sending it back!" reply: "I DID send it back! It must have gotten lost in the post!" HERP DUR DURRRR!

beannlove 7

he meant for OP to say they sent the gift back (as requested by the person who sent the gift) and claim it got lost in the mail, but really not send it back & just keep it. "herp derp"

ElectricGhost_fml 5

keep it!!!! she gave it away, it's in your possession now!!!

dezinspaaace 0

wtf?! dont invite her to the wedding!