Thanks for the memories

By Anonymous - 13/10/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, my mom lit a candle in our living room, telling the family how much she loved it. She then went on the tell us that my dad got it for her and it must have been some cheap candle. I bought the candle as a gift for her on her birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 979
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell? "I love it but it's a piece of cheap shit" Okay lady. FYL for crazy mom.

She probably gets simply too many candles to remember who bought which. I know my mom does.


Your life isn't F'ed at all. Suck it up and stop complaining.

YDI. Quit whining. Seriously, you got your feelings hurt over a candel, and felt the need to complain about it over FML?

ChronicFAIL 0

Even though I'm totally confused by this FML, I still say YDI for getting your mom a candle. Worst gift ever. [Besides a cactus]

oystercultviking 0

Big ******* whoop. :] She's lucky she got jack diddly with that attitude.

U bought a candle..for ur mothers birthday... Idiot

how do these get past the moderating stage? this one is horrible

lifeislife_fml 0

Wtf? This FML is HORRIBLE. So your mom puts a candle in a room, and then says she doesn't like it? How is that an FML? That's just stupid.