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By catgirl911 - 13/10/2009 01:44 - United States

Today, I woke up to see my cat crawling out my window onto the roof. Afraid he was going to jump to the ground, I crawled out my window as well. I caught him. The neighbors caught me in my underwear and bra yelling at my cat on the roof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 194
You deserved it 25 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How tall is your house? If it's one-story, don't worry about the cat; easily survivable with little or no damage (if your cat is agile enough to make it to the roof from a window sill, then he probably would be fine if he jumped). Generally, cats won't jump if they don't think they'll be fine, unless they get super spooked. They may be pets, but they're not totally stupid. Your cat was more likely than not going to be fine.


Mr. Neighbor might appreciate that, but I foresee Mrs. Neighbor spreading a lot of gossip around the neighborhood to the other wifeys. :]

This will be the OP in 30 years:

Oh yes, definitely. I'm surprised she didn't throw the cat at her neighbors when she saw them watching. Though cat-throwing seems like it would make a good Pokemon attack.


Awesome! At Least You Weren't Naked...

drayloon 50

Why Do People Insist On Typing Like This?

How tall is your house? If it's one-story, don't worry about the cat; easily survivable with little or no damage (if your cat is agile enough to make it to the roof from a window sill, then he probably would be fine if he jumped). Generally, cats won't jump if they don't think they'll be fine, unless they get super spooked. They may be pets, but they're not totally stupid. Your cat was more likely than not going to be fine.

yah. cat's not stupid. Isn't going to jump off something that it can't cope with. this story would probably end with the cat getting bored and just jumping off and going into the house... while the owner is stuck realising they can't get down.

mouser103 0

Actually, I think someone did a study where they found cats were more likely to be injured falling from shorter drops (1-2 stories) than longer drops (4-6 stories). Apparently, the longer drops were better because it gave them more time to adjust their bodies so they'd land better.

It's happened before, actually. Quite a few times some fool will get stuck on the roof or in a tree trying to "rescue" their cat lol... [edit] You're right, that's true, but I think one story is a safe enough height for them to not be hurt too bad.

I don't understand why everyone is giving the OP crap. They said "jump to the ground" which suggests they expected the cat to be fine after the jump. Most likely the cat is an indoor cat and if it jumped to the ground it would escape. I'd crawl out on the roof for that. Probably shouldn't have left the window open, but if there was a screen the cat pushed out I could understand.

RubixMonkey 0

Op is the 911 in your name from where people called the police on your screaming ass?

On the bright side, that probably scared them into returning your lawnmower now.

I'm guessing they were on the second story and it was a window that goes out onto the roof. Like in the movie Meet the Parents. Mr. Jinx (I think that's the cats name) goes out the window and onto the roof and Ben Stillers character goes out to grab him.... Sorta the same senerio. Anyway... To the OP... Even if the cat did jump, I'm sure it would be fine. You'd be surprised at how agile cats are and how not easily they get hurt. I mean, they can fit through any opening just as long as their head fits through it. They have floating collar bones so when they land they don't really get injured. But this isn't really FML worthy... It's embarrassing for sure though, so yea... It's sucks to be you!

MeganTBone 0

YDI for yelling at the cat in the first place. Cats land on their feet, and probably wouldn't have gotten hurt had it jumped

rairai897 0

ok but how do u kno it would have been fine? the thing is u dont, she couldve have tried to save the cat from probably dieing but ppl dont think of the possiblities, you THINK it wont get hurt but u dont know so next time please think a little more before making the comment

MeganTBone 0

Cats aren't stupid. They know not to put themselves into a situation that will hurt them. If OP's cat was crawling out the window of say a 30 story building, even a 3 story building, the thing knows not to jump. My cat sleeps on the roof all the time. Not once has he jumped and hurt himself. So how about before you reply to a comment, you think before you make yourself sound like an idiot.

hijueputa 0

YDI, cats are agile and can pretty much take care of themselves out there, you need not worry about kitty getting hurt, next time let him go and avoid exposing yourself to half the neighbourhood. Although, er... never mind

Who cares if your cat was going to jump? Cats can look after themselves, they are made for jumping, they can jump from several storeys up and be fine... it's cars and snakes that you have to worry about.