Thanks for the memories

By Anonymous - 13/10/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, my mom lit a candle in our living room, telling the family how much she loved it. She then went on the tell us that my dad got it for her and it must have been some cheap candle. I bought the candle as a gift for her on her birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 979
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell? "I love it but it's a piece of cheap shit" Okay lady. FYL for crazy mom.

She probably gets simply too many candles to remember who bought which. I know my mom does.


The reason this is an FML is because her mom obviously doesn't care about her daughter enough to remember that the candle was a gift from her. Poor girl.

hongkonger 0

who are you? **** off and mind your own business. oh right, i forgot retards stick together. if u have any problems with spelling you "u", then please check out other youtubeposts, internet forums, or just use your ******* brain?! gawd u are so ******* stupid btw shut up and don't reply cuz it will only make u more retarded

jazzmancarron 11

mom sounds like a real dumb bitch

zltzlt 0

YDI for buying candles for peoples birthdays haha

Wtf does this fml say? So you're saying she said she loved the candle and then started complaining about it for no reason except that your dad bought it for her but he didn't, you did?