Thanks, I hate it!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Uppsala

Today, while walking to my flat, I spotted something white hanging over the handle bar of my parked bike. It was a very used diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 715
You deserved it 1 519

Top comments

At least you didn't step on it while wearing flip-flops.

mads_nicole 19


mads_nicole 19

Cupid did it. That's why some people have shitty love lives.

the culprit was a total asshole. op try to get some wetwipes or sth to clean up?

Sounds like a pissy situation. No, wait, they must've been really poop… situation. Dammit; these cliché puns are hard.

Next time, if you happen to find who it is, place very used pieces of toilet paper on their car. (...or baby?)

MonstreBelle 29

18- Thank you for the reassurance that you still stand by your original comment. I was worried you may have changed your mind. However, I do disagree with your suggestion of putting used toilet paper on the baby. No reason to punish a baby for the uncouth behavior of their parent. Instead, I propose that OP deals with this in a more direct manner by ******** on the parent's face. It's better for the environment.

MisterKnowItAll 15

I've never seen so many disliked comments.

Here, add yours to the collection. Wouldn't want to disappoint now.

can you guys stop with the dookie puns? theyre beyond cliched

mds9986 24
corky1992 33

Ew. People are seriously disgusting