Thanks Susan

By ZombieGirl0417 - 30/09/2015 21:13 - United States - Jupiter

Today, my aunt asked to see my new airsoft pistol. Not thinking anything of it, I handed it to her. She shot me in the leg. I was standing next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 221
You deserved it 4 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey now, accidents happen. Just the other day, while looking at my friend's brand new baseball bat, I accidentally bashed him over the head with it. Several times. I was so embarrassed. I can be such a klutz at times.


If it makes you feel better I would have definatly shot you too and I don't even know you, at least not any better than you know gun safety.

Lmao i know everything there is to know about gun safety thanks.

You got shot with your own gun. Wasn't that rule one in Lords of War? Don't get shot with your own guns?

dragoongirl90 34

It's also a rule of basic human decency not to be a huge douche and shoot someone.

Ok you got shot in the leg with an air soft gun it doesn't hurt so stop being a pussy about it

HerpNdurp88 0

It doesn't hurt that much in fact barley at all, try paintball

I wheatly think you're being a little too harsh, here.

dragoongirl90 34

I've played paintball, and I've been shot point blank by an airsoft pistol. Shit hurts equally.

Lol :) did you aunt say "I am the one who knocks" and then do it? Because that would be legit

Why did you hand it to her loaded? Should have taken the magazine out and or made sure no more bbs were in it

ive been shot with a 350 airsoft gun in the back of the head from 5 feet away i know how you feel sucks ass... well feel better

One of my friends had a rifle that shot at 860, me and my teammates ran out of ammo so I was sent to surrender. No arms, white flag, everything. The ****** still shot me in the face.

If it shot at 860 god it would be considered a firearm not an Airsoft gun. I suggest you look up your gun laws before making up numbers that you think are impressive.

well.. ydi for giving her a loaded one