The betrayal

By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 16:33 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I found out via Instagram that my boyfriend didn't actually go to the Bahamas with his dad as he claimed. Not unless his dad lost weight, grew tits and long hair, and likes to make out with his son. They have no cellphone service, so I can't even call to break up with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 354
You deserved it 3 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instagram him a break up pic :) a sign with you giving the finger Clearly they have wifi access to post on instagram

sumbum95 15

Don't worry at least now you know he's a duche! You can do better!:)


At least everyone who is mutual friends/followers with you know he is a giant dick right? They say "2 wrongs don't make a right" but I would do the same

Just pack his shit and leave it out on the front door step. I'm sure he'll get the hint.

I don't think you have to break up with him. He already did that, by posting the pic. FYL

He still could have gone with his dad and just met that girl while there.

He still made out with her. and I'm sure that was among other things.

TheDrifter 23

Maybe it's his dads girlfriend and it was an innocent kiss? A friendly barmaid and it's not what it looks like? Ok, maybe I'm getting into the highly improbable.

I'm not suggesting he's in the right by any means. I'm just saying that the op assumes this was all premeditated and he lied about his dad being there.

At this point, would that matter? He cheated on her and posted it for all the world to see.

10showgirl 16

Go out. Have a blast. Meet new people. Don't talk to him. Consider y'all broken up already. When he gets back, don't answer his calls.

I think this calls for a skiff of poop delivery on his driveway. If you have access to his apartment there are a lot more interesting ways of getting revenge. What a jerk and you are so much better off without him either way.

Adree 15

Sorry about your Bahama drama, but what could have taken years, you found out in an instant.

He doesn't need the satisfaction of you dumping him. Just throw all his stuff out and never speak to him again

Of course he went to the Bahamas with his dad. Who do you think is holding the camera?