The betrayal

By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 16:33 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I found out via Instagram that my boyfriend didn't actually go to the Bahamas with his dad as he claimed. Not unless his dad lost weight, grew tits and long hair, and likes to make out with his son. They have no cellphone service, so I can't even call to break up with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 354
You deserved it 3 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instagram him a break up pic :) a sign with you giving the finger Clearly they have wifi access to post on instagram

sumbum95 15

Don't worry at least now you know he's a duche! You can do better!:)


rita91 5

Nope put a post it and super glue it to his door, if u have a key a) burn his clothes or give them to goodwill

Clearly your boyfriend isn't smart if he thought to post on Instagram and not think you would see it.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Just comment on that Instagram picture of him kissing another woman with the breakup. & Change your locks if he lives with you. (Sorry, didn't read the comments yet)

Look at the bright side OP. He has no clue what is coming and you have time to think of an awesome revenge / break up plot. If he is dumb enough to cheat and to plaster it on the Internet, he is definitely not worth your tears. Take care

I'm sorry that your probably now ex boyfriend once you were able to dump him was a cheating prick OP. It could have been a worse scenario with his cheating. His father could have became a transgender secretly before the trip happened and your boyfriend in return developed incest feelings towards the now mother-father... Yup, extra ****** up if that had actually happened. I wish I could press the FYL button more than once for you since cheating sucks balls period. :(

This just means you have time to plan the most epic break up ever for when he gets back. And am I the only person who would be like "yeah right" if someone said they were going to the Bahamas with their dad?

tgabes 9

I don't get why over a thousand people think that OP deserved this...

I've heard that there were YDI bots running rampant, so yeah.

Who goes to the Bahamas with their dad when they have a girlfriend? I didn't vote YDI, but some might have thought she should have known something was up.

Leave him via instagram so your whole community will know the drama:)

Id say, he probably just dumped u via instagram...sorry OP. i think that ship sailed with your now Ex giving you the salute. that sux.