The book of revelations

By JSeth - 04/07/2009 16:52 - Canada

Today, my mom found a book of dirty stories I'd written in tenth grade. She then told me that I wrote about things she'd never even thought about, and she's been having sex for years. If that wasn't bad enough, she's taken them in to work to show people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 775
You deserved it 10 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xiloveyoux3 0

Well, you have a bright imagination.

hecuva 0

Here's a nice thing to think ontop of that... her and your dad may now be possibly acting out scenes from your writing ;) Have fun trying to sleep with that thought in your head FYL


CourtneyDanielle_fml 9

Was this on fanfiction? Agreed with #12. Alot of stories on there are from like 10 year olds. Its disturbing. :P @16 - One of my teachers did the same thing when I was in grade 6.. He was convicted as a pedo two years ago.. No joke. :|

woxy 0

I want to read the stories!

I have made dirty stories sence 5th grade when I learned O.O

Lolol, well at least she wasn't mad at you?

Man that is REALLY funny shit right there. Well, at least now others have the 'pleasure' of reading too. =D

namelessfew 0

Oh! haha, FYL. I'm sorry.

I wrote an abusive/dirty story on my computer a couple of years back ( i had just turned 14) and my grandma found them. sent it to my mom , aunt and uncle. my uncle took them to the psycologist at his school where he teaches. the psycologist says its not surprising 14 year olds know that these days. When my grandma confronted me I lied and said that my friend emailed it to me and I hadnt read it yet.

Hahaha! This actually made me laugh out loud!

its actaully pretty funny now that i look back. did i mention i was in australia? i aws about thousands of miles from home and i was living with my grandma. (i had gone to australia for a year cause my grandma went a teacher exchange) I also know my grandmas password into her email and i saw every email back and forth about it so i was prepared for when either her or my mom confronted me. Oh yeah - my mom showed her co worker and her co worker was like she probaby just needed to vent and if you confront her about this she will feel that you invaded her privacy. (it was in the email that my mom sent to my grandma) (which did feel like invasion of privacy )

I did this once, teacher found it, got suspended

YDI for writing it down in the first place. If you don't want something read or heard, you'd best not write a single word.

I'm sorry, I don't understand this kind of logic. Going off it, no one should ever **********, have sex, piss, shit - anything that someone may not want someone else to know about. To me, it seems more logical to say to go ahead - but take steps to make sure it is not found/seen, such as locking them away somewhere, making them into hidden files if all other computer uses are computer illiterate, etc.

Noxx_fml 0

Dude that's actually pretty legit awesome, I'd be proud if it was me. I've written some erotic stuff but to have open recognition? Cool story bro.