The book of revelations

By JSeth - 04/07/2009 16:52 - Canada

Today, my mom found a book of dirty stories I'd written in tenth grade. She then told me that I wrote about things she'd never even thought about, and she's been having sex for years. If that wasn't bad enough, she's taken them in to work to show people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 775
You deserved it 10 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xiloveyoux3 0

Well, you have a bright imagination.

hecuva 0

Here's a nice thing to think ontop of that... her and your dad may now be possibly acting out scenes from your writing ;) Have fun trying to sleep with that thought in your head FYL


Nonnag 0

Well... Hey, maybe you can make some money off them or something... Or atleast take them back and get rid of them?

dead_man_fml 0

see? if you just listened in class you wouldn't have this problem. YDI

FYLbiatchh 0
Allord 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your mom is so ****** in the head, who the hell would show off their son's sex stories at work? I mean, what the ****?

oxjackiixo 0

OMFG. hahah that is soo funny! I feel so bad for you. I wonder if she ever told them who wrote them :P

Awesome. Post them online some time, will you?

feel honored, I gues? I mean , you've got a dirty imagination, but you could make millions off of the next karma sutra.

stop complaining shes proud of you  xxox

She did return them, right? Make sure you get them back or your mom'll try and profit... in more ways than one....