The book of revelations

By JSeth - 04/07/2009 16:52 - Canada

Today, my mom found a book of dirty stories I'd written in tenth grade. She then told me that I wrote about things she'd never even thought about, and she's been having sex for years. If that wasn't bad enough, she's taken them in to work to show people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 775
You deserved it 10 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xiloveyoux3 0

Well, you have a bright imagination.

hecuva 0

Here's a nice thing to think ontop of that... her and your dad may now be possibly acting out scenes from your writing ;) Have fun trying to sleep with that thought in your head FYL


I know a lot of people who write those kinds of stories... except for they're smart enough to dispose of them after they write them. FYL

Yikes, was this fanfiction? I used to belong on a forum that had a fanfiction section and some of the smutty writers were as young as 12 years old. Guh-ross.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL! People will be doing those scenes now. Not just your parents, but the people at work too.

Maybe you should consider a career as an erotic novelist.

in school when i was 13 we had to read an erotic novel our teacher thought we were mature enough and made us read it outloud , he was later fired

Does she work in the adult entertainment industry?

LOL #16!!! That is so horrible!!!! Yet it's so hilarious!!!

mooreon131 0

How is this an FML? You've been getting action in ways that your sexually experienced mom has never heard of since you were 15. It's not even embarrassing. i'd go into her office and start collecting the high 5s. This belongs on my life is

hannah794 0

share the stories please? lmao.

hahaha. Thats awesome. It would have been better if she was like "Thanks for the ideas!!" Might not wanna cal her tonight, shes gonna be busy :) haha jk...I hope...ew