The book of revelations

By JSeth - 04/07/2009 16:52 - Canada

Today, my mom found a book of dirty stories I'd written in tenth grade. She then told me that I wrote about things she'd never even thought about, and she's been having sex for years. If that wasn't bad enough, she's taken them in to work to show people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 775
You deserved it 10 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xiloveyoux3 0

Well, you have a bright imagination.

hecuva 0

Here's a nice thing to think ontop of that... her and your dad may now be possibly acting out scenes from your writing ;) Have fun trying to sleep with that thought in your head FYL


ur mom has no common sense. if i were her, i'd b embarassed 2 bring it in

Oh dude. Grade ten... I can only imagine the sexual deviant I was. Grade ten is when your at the top of your game. Jerkin it to some strawberry shampoo, and mundane shit like that.

without a doubt the best internet comment i have ever read, thank you sir.

*just read # 10's comment.* Nnnng. -brain fizzes, explodes and dies- x.x Ew. OP, I feel your pain even more now.

swooshq 0

haha 'tis f-cking great... Uh, maybe that means you're better in the sack [than your mom].. but I doubt, you really want to know anything about your mom's sexlife. Actually you know what, nevermind.

GoodpointAllen 0

Lemme express my feelings on this issue in poetry :) Due to old stories you had written, The low dust, you have no bitten, You were merely releasing thought, Never had the worry you would get caught, Your mother, so snoopy, Now thinks her own son is loopy, It's oaky though, things happen at times, That make us feel sour like limes, Forgive your mother, So she and daddy don't use your stories to make another brother. >;)

:o Omg.. #61 your amazing at poetry..!

You should win an award for this poem, it's so good lol

i bet you'll get phone calls from her work.

I think that's pretty awesome. Your mom thinks they're cool. Way to go.

That's kind of cool. Way to be all Henry Miller at age 12 or whatever...

FreedomFirst 0

If she really thought they were that bad, she would never show them to anyone. Obviously she's a self-righteous pig who just wants to make everyone else look bad, even her own flesh and blood.