The end of the road

By Anonymous - 17/06/2020 23:04

Today, after my parents treating love like a war, always trying to score some sort of victory over each other, while me and my wife never argued a day in our lives, I’m the one staring down the barrel of divorce, while my parents have been happily married for over 50 years. I just don’t understand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 021
You deserved it 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you never argued thats your answer you can't just agree with everything otherwise you are basic in her eyes

Happily married? I'd just say "married." Anywho. It's pretty simple, really. Hate sex and make-up sex are both much hotter than dumb ol' "making love." You and your wife only excelled at suppressing your emotions and the built-up resentment is finally spilling out.


bl3ur0z3 17

People who live together and never fight are usually bottling it up. Those who fight more are probably making up more. Also, equally passionate people may not hate each other they may just be... passionate.

It's all about effort. Your parents always made the effort and made a game of how they can make each other happy. It just sounds like your wife slowly stopped giving a crap.