By Naulwenn - 23/06/2016 04:25 - France - Groslay

Today, my divorced parents have started sending each other photos of both of my bedrooms, to, “compare the shambles and see who wins.“ FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 855
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because their marriage is in shambles doesn't mean their maturity does too.

I didn't end up on the cover of House Fancy by letting my parents get the better of me. Let them know that you don't appreciate the competition, and that it's causing you stress. What difference does it make what your room looks like? I hate to say this, but I feel like this is a topical issue that's either a gateway or a cover up to much deeper, unresolved issues that will probably stay unresolved... And I have to say, I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.


Maybe you should explain to them how that's inappropriate behavior for parents

I disagree. It's between the parents. As a child of divorced parents, I know the kids are often brought into the grown-up situations all too often. It's not healthy or fair to have them involved. I think if OP says anything it should be that they keep their drama/disagreements/discussions between themselves. (that's assuming this is a battle, not playful) Sorry OP, straighten your rooms and find an outside distraction. Maybe spend some fun times with friends.

Just because their marriage is in shambles doesn't mean their maturity does too.

I didn't end up on the cover of House Fancy by letting my parents get the better of me. Let them know that you don't appreciate the competition, and that it's causing you stress. What difference does it make what your room looks like? I hate to say this, but I feel like this is a topical issue that's either a gateway or a cover up to much deeper, unresolved issues that will probably stay unresolved... And I have to say, I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.

I don't see where is the issue in parents having some fun. If he doesn't care that his rooms are messy why does he care if his parents joke about it?

#6, you mean like how I don't see the relevance of your reply on this fine squid's comment? Literally all he is doing is giving advice to OP, while the OP didn't specifically state he was ok with it, it's clear that there is some sort of issue due it being an FML moment, not an "I don't really care that much" moment.

6: There are other ways they can have fun. To most people, their room is like their personal domain and a place for them to feel comfortable at, and we don't know the extent of how messy the room may be. Everyone's level of what is considered messy is different. Plus, you sometimes have parents who do not teach their children the importance of cleaning or OP is simply not good with organization, etc. The point is that they took his comfort zones and decided to trade them off like a game. Even if his rooms were clean and they decided to compare which one was cleaner as a game, it still wouldn't be okay.

You lying bastard, squidward stole that title and got the 2 hour commercial free house fancy special

Perhaps they want to teach him the importance of cleaning by joking about it and hoping he will start cleaning up? Perhaps instead of punishing him for not doing his chores they make fun of it because it could be more effective in his case? They could scold him or punish him for not having room cleaned instead they just joke about it. I see no harm in that.

dannidoll93 24

It sounds like your divorced parents have a great relationship if they're able to send jokes like that to each other! If you don't like it, maybe just tidy your rooms, man.

Right? My parents have been divorced for 26 years and my mom still literally throws a tantrum whenever she has to talk to my dad. Seriously, she had to plan my brother's rehearsal dinner with him and she screamed and cried about having to do it. Be glad, OP, it could be so much worse...

Sorry OP, as a child of divorce I know how much it sucks when ur parents can't get along and they use their kids against each other, unfortunately it never seems to stop :(

Except it seems like they're getting along great in this situation.

zeffra13 31

I assumed the parents were competing to see which could provide the shambliest bedroom for OP, so he would want to live with the other parent & they wouldn't have to keep custody, as opposed to OP is messy. If it is the latter, I'd like to point out it's difficult & tiresome to keep bedrooms at 2 houses properly organized and clean. Going back & forth sucks.

From my experience, divorced kids usually have the cleanest rooms because so much stuff is in suitcases/ backpacks for when they switch back and forth.