The final countdown

By Hailey - 13/02/2011 01:36 - United States

Today, I took sexy pictures for my boyfriend while at my aunt's house. I uploaded the pictures and after successfully posting them in a message, I deleted them. I accidentally deleted the whole photo library. Now she's taking the computer to Apple tomorrow to recover the "lost" photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 447
You deserved it 58 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MarineWifey88 3

Do that on a private computer! Never ever on a shared computer!

gusgus36 5

YDI for doing that on a computer used by anyone besides just you. you know there is always a chance of someone else seeing the pics when you do that. or really when you do it at all.


You should get your aunt pass out from drinking. Then, smash the Mac with a crowbar. When your aunt wakes up, you can blame it on her and not worry about the pictures. Stupidest idea ever.

i really hope you're 18 and the pics weren't nudes OP cause if they were and you are under 18 your aunt will be going to jail for child pornography. the apple store is bound by law to report anything like that same with any computer repair store.

'i really hope you're 18 and the pics weren't nudes OP cause if they were and you are under 18 your aunt will be going to jail for child pornography.' I lol'd. Again. They don't put people that easily in jail, even not in America. From the moment I read 'in my aunts house' I saw a big YDI appear in front of my eyes. OP, seriously? There is nothing wrong with taking sexy (= nude?) pictures - as long as you are awair of the possible consequences - but you simply don't take them in your aunts house. Just like you simply don't upload them on your aunts computer. Deleting all photo's was also very clever. You totally deserved it.

There is everything wrong with a young girl taking nude pictures of herself and sending it to people! Once it's sent, there's no getting it back. The boyfriend has probably sent it round by now. Those pictures could come back to haunt her years later. People need to be told the risks, most would never think of all the repercussions from a photo! And they certainly don't need people like you telling them it's ok to take nude photos.

why would you take sexy pictures of yourself at your Aunts house?? Not only that but why would you use her computer to upload them?! Sorry but you deserve this one OP!

InnocentLies 0

You should just tell her what happened. She's going to find out later either way.

You do know Apple doesn't perform Data Recovery, right?

but they could send the aunt to someone who does. op ydi big time.

Check iPhoto's trash. You may have deleted the pictures from iPhoto (I'm guessing your aunt doesn't use Aperture), but I'm guessing you didn't empty the iPhoto trash (which is separate from the computer trash).

Haha, "Oh! Here are all the photos! ... Whoops, deleted them again!"

slccheerleader 0

I delete the photos then went to the trash bin then empties trash, but not iPhoto trash, what now?

Oh, and YDI for sending photos of that nature in the first place. If you're gonna do shit like that, do it via video chat or actually have sex. That way, you won't have n00dz of yourself being distributed in case of a breakup.

thank you that's what I was thinking nowadays when people break up they love making the other person look stupid.

Decodedman 1

^Hate to disappoint you, but if you're video-chatting, someone on the other end is using a video capture program and saving it for future revenge/blackmail/spank material/lulz with their buddies. Google "capture video chat". You're probably a star on some skeevy website by now. (hey... I knew I recognized you from somewhere...)

Most people who are going to be recording naughty video chats to post on the internet aren't going to be recording Skype calls with their significant other in order to one day use that against them, but rather doing it to Stickam ****** and Skype ***** who will drop their panties at a compliment.

Decodedman 1

^ ...after reading all the FML's involving jerk ex-boyfriends, your faith in the Y chromosome is admirable. Misplaced, but admirable.

video chat is the same thing as sending pictures. if u take a screen shot of the person u video chat with, it's the same thing as sending a pic

I think she's a PC user PC's aren't that smart in my opinion

clicked YDI after only reading the first sentence.

Anaxes 5

Macs are designed for people who are too ******* stupid to use a computer properly.