The Lady in Red

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 01:36 - United States

Today, I was at a party. The music changed to a slow dance. Everybody grabbed a partner and I was left on the dancefloor alone. Suddenly, this guy walked up to me. I swore that he was going to ask me to dance. He then said, "Could you hold me my drink?" and went to dance with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 205
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait. "Hold me my drink?" What the hell? If he seriously said that, you are so much better off, it's not even funny.


Wait. "Hold me my drink?" What the hell? If he seriously said that, you are so much better off, it's not even funny.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. "Hold me my drink?" Lol wtf.

that was all I could think of! I thought maybe it was slang from another country. nope, Mississippi.... well seeing that I'm from California, it might as well be.

fcuk_fml 0

i think there might another side to the story, like, your face? but i hope you drank his drink. to get even, or just to make yourself feel better

#1 wtf dude? Karma will pay you back. Or maybe it already has. OP: better luck next time

FYL? I bet if he asked you, you would have played hard to get & said no anyway.

Arinwyn 0

Shouldve accidentally spilt the drink on him, he sounds like a loser :P

ZiggyMorrison 0

you should have pissed in his drink

S600 0

awww I'll dance with you....girl we can dance all night lol

monicamischief 0

uh. YDI for not asking someone to dance with you stop being a pussy and make the first move jesus, what's wrong with girls?