The long game

By helpme - 03/05/2017 02:00

Today, my gay best friend slept over, as he has many times during the past three years of our friendship. This time, however, he confessed to me that he's only pretended to be gay to get closer to me because he's in love with me. I've allowed my stalker to sleep in my house and in my bed for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 596
You deserved it 1 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Gay or not, why was he in your bed? 2. That's some strange restraint if he's in love with you and you two have been in bed with each other for years and never tried anything.

Did he pretend to be gay or maybe he has realized he is bisexual? If he pretended to be gay to everyone for you there is a serious problem. Overall the lie is weird,I think most straight guys wouldn't want the person they like to think they are gay.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like a Rom Com that went horribly wrong.

neuronerd 28

I'm guessing the people who are saying they'd never let a friend sleep in their bed are kids/minors. It's extremely common to crash in a friend's bed if you're hanging out and get too drunk to go home and let your friends do the same, male or female. I'm guessing OP's issue with it was less there was a man in her bed, and more that it was a man who was attracted to her and lied. The fact was his intent was sexual/romantic, not friendship, and that's a damn creepy way to go about it.

I am 29.... I've crashed on a couch or in a spare room, and even on the floor with a spare blanket. My friends have done likewise. IN the same bed with someone seems like asking for trouble.

It hardly makes him a stalker since you invited him in, repeatedly. As for the rest of it - it's wrong to lie to someone and manipulate them into getting close with you and this was a bad move on his part. BUT you said he was your best friend so you obviously get on with him really well - that doesn't have to translate into attraction though. Strange situation.

That's not a stalker. I have a stalker, restraining order approved. When he tries to break into your house numerous times, threatens to kill you, sends to 200+ text messages in one day, and makes you afraid to go outside your house without a gun, then you've got a stalker. This is just a guy who lied because he wanted to be your friend.

arwa_cr75 6

That's kinda adorable though... Weird.. Bit adorable

Yeah. Make gay people seem awful. Great job. This is a little homophobic, is it just me who sees it?