By DamnMyOvaries - 02/05/2017 17:00 - United States - Groves

Today, I fainted in the lunch line at school due to extreme period cramps, and ended up having to get seven stitches on my face. This is the third time I've fainted because of my period this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 553
You deserved it 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should see an OBGYN that is not normal.

It happened to me too when I was high school age, repeatedly. I'm 24 now and I only get the "oh god I'm going to die", painkillers-do-nothing-to-help kind of pain maybe only once a year, so there's hope! In the meantime, go and see your doctor if you haven't already, and ideally get a referral to a gynaecologist. Talk to them about polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis, both of which can cause extreme pain during periods and which are both common conditions. It might well be that nothing is medically wrong with you at all - nothing is amiss with my inner workings despite the severity of the symptoms, so sometimes it just happens - but it's definitely worth getting it looked into. If nothing else, they'll be able to help you manage the pain.


You should see an OBGYN that is not normal.

It happened to me too when I was high school age, repeatedly. I'm 24 now and I only get the "oh god I'm going to die", painkillers-do-nothing-to-help kind of pain maybe only once a year, so there's hope! In the meantime, go and see your doctor if you haven't already, and ideally get a referral to a gynaecologist. Talk to them about polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis, both of which can cause extreme pain during periods and which are both common conditions. It might well be that nothing is medically wrong with you at all - nothing is amiss with my inner workings despite the severity of the symptoms, so sometimes it just happens - but it's definitely worth getting it looked into. If nothing else, they'll be able to help you manage the pain.

For the record, just because you didn't get a diagnosis doesn't mean everything's ok. It took my four years to get an endometriosis diagnosis and I was told repeatedly in the meantime that everything was ok. It's very underdiagnosed and the diagnostic methods are kind of terrible, so it can take up to 12 years to be diagnosed definitively.

marsmonkey 8

Im so sorry, OP. That is truly dreadful. You are seriously commendable for going to school under such pain.

Sounds like you've got anemia. Try taking iron vitamins to see if it helps.

If OP has an iron deficiency, she needs to go to a doctor and get bloodwork done to confirm it... Anemia should not be self-diagnosed because you can unfortunately OD on iron supplements.

KryssLB 14

It certainly sounds likely. OP, I had very low blood pressure as a teen along with severe cramps and fainting fits myself; I've since found out I'm anemic as well! Yay. ****. What helped me a bunch was to drink a hell of a lot more water than I had been doing. Like, try for two litres (about a quart) of water a day on top of any coffee or what you may have. If you 're bleeding a lot your blood pressure may be dropping as well as being in pain and that will help it stabilize. It helped my cramps a chunk too (although it didn't eliminate them completely. However, having kids pretty much did, so at least if you ever have kids there's a chance you may not get killer cramps anymore if you're still having them up until then). Definitely do go see a doctor, though, as others have said! Have them do a full work-up on your blood: Vitamins, iron, etc etc. Check your blood pressure. Check for endometriosis (if you have a Women's Health Centre around you may have better luck with them getting the issue tracked down). Oral birth control can help a lot with bad cramps as well (it's why I first went onto it) although there can be some unpleasant side effects. I believe it can help with endometriosis as well; it may be something else to discuss with your doctor. Good luck with it! I had similar experiences in high school but it did get better; I hope it will for you, too. :)

Try the pill. I used to pass out or be in so much pain I couldn't mover every damn time I was on. No amount or type of painkillers, heat or ice ever seemed to help. Haven't had any issues since going on the pill; looks like my hormones just needed help to regulate things sensibly. Seriously, try it.

my sister had problems with her periods being this way and she went to an OBGYN who out her on the birth control patch to help

Suaria 38

I used to have terrible period cramps, although to my knowledge I don't have PCOS or endometriosis. Since I went on the pill and later an IUD, I have had no terrible period cramps. So OP maybe look into going on birth control to help with cramps if that is the problem.

Tsumetai_ 11

see a OBGYN and talk about going on the pill, birth control isn't used for just birth control, it can help with periods too, helps regulate hormones or something. i heard it can help with cramps.

You could have something much more severe going on. From the sounds of it you may have a reproductive disease. I have endometriosis and I feel like I'm having a period everyday.

I had endometriosis too although a mild case. The Pill got rid of it.

You can blame your period, but we all know it was the Sloppy Joes that caused you to pass out. Cafeteria food, gack!

ohthepain1 6

Idk dude.. I wasn't in school those other two times ?

TheCrazedHare 7

You should really get that checked out.