The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 132
You deserved it 9 537

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


As an Asian with straight lashes that hate curling, I can understand the need for a $32 eyelash curler...

gruesomehorizon 12

If you can hijack a plane with eye lash curlers or fingernail clippers than you deserve the plane. Everybody go home they won the prize.

nachosbabygurl 9

you paid $32 for a eyelash curler what a waste

Yeah, my toothpaste got taken away, and it was under the limit; I checked. And honestly, what is the point of eyelash curlers? Just use mascara and your finger to bend it upwards a bit. But I get the feeling...

bivz14 11

Why do you buy a $32 eyelash curler

tori3700 16

you deserve it for spending $32 on an eye lash curler. really

How can you hijack a plane with eyelash curlers?

now I'm wondering how I managed to get through airport security with my eyelash curler...