The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 131
You deserved it 9 523

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


SuperGIRL52892 0

Well, that wasn't a very intelligent move... Why did you spend $32 on an eyelash curler in the first place? Waste of money, O.P.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

I'm sitting in the airport right now. They just took my toothpaste.

LoveEmma13 0

the reason is because curling ur eyelashes makes u more awakened well looks.

It's called checked baggage, dingbat.

starberries 0

Not everyone needs checked baggage. Personally I don't like to take a chance on my bags getting lost. And most airlines charge $20 or more for each bag, so on a roundtrip flight you'd pay $40 to avoid losing your eyelash curler.

$32 for a eye lash curler man things are more expensive in Canada