The most important member of the family

By puppydrama - 30/01/2013 21:05 - United States

Today, my dad and his new wife got their wedding pictures done. Out of over 150 pictures, I was only in one. The family dog was in all of them. In the one picture of me, I was holding the dog's leash while he took a dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 066
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe the dog is more photogenic than you.

well we know who's top dog in that household.


Swiftly swap that Lalique vase on their wedding list for the resolutely more practical mini-shovel-and-bags kit...

Maybe it is just me, but I don't get this FML (and the many others like it)... It is their wedding, why be upset about not being in their photos, to me it seems really selfish. Also even if it was done delibirate should one not complain about the photographer, I doubt the photos were taken with the selftimer after all.

Yeah, super selfish to expect to be in some of your dads wedding photos... Family means nothing anymore.

Does the camera add 10 pounds for dogs too?

your parents love that dog more than you. bet you sleep in a dog bed and the dog sleeps in a nice king size bed

Let me guess. You're like 32 and still living at home. it is their wedding and it's all about them. The dog will be dead in a few years and if you ever get married I am sure you can take revenge by just getting shots of your dads hands holding your hampster.

cheer21moose 13

Key words being that its not you're wedding, therefore you don't necessarily need to be in more than 1 photo. Get over it.

That sucks. I went to my in-laws' place for what turned out to be birthday celebration for their dog, complete with cake and singing. My birthday was 3 days before the dog's. No one mentioned it.

Competing for your parents-- or in this case, owner's love, is always difficult. Sorry op.

Their wedding isn't actually about you. Sorry.