The price of love

By broke - 05/05/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I got home from visiting my long-distance girlfriend. I spent $366 to get a plane ticket to visit her for the week. The day after I arrived there, she broke up with me and I had to buy a ticket for an earlier flight home. With fees and penalties, I paid around $550 to be broken up with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 718
You deserved it 5 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of people click on YDI foor thinsg like this???


ydi for not seeing the signs that your relationship was over

llama6 2

As for people saying LDR's don't work - they do if both people want them to work. I was in a long distance relationship for over a year and we are now married. As for the op, you should have flown Southwest. No fees to change your tickets. :)

Oh nooo you poor thing =( That was inconsiderate. I hope you find someone nicer.

primogen18 0

#33 he never actually gave any details on anything, for what we know he got out of a situation that was going nowhere anyway. Not being an asshole, just realistic. If he actually had known her and spent more time with her before she moved away, then it's a different situation. If they planned to move near eachother, different situation. If a relationship goes on where it's just seeing someone a week every few months or so, with no intentions to see more of eachother, then its going nowhere.

heyyitsmee 0

haha, wow, that sounds like my story. A week before spring break, i bought plane tickets to visit my friends and my ex. My ex and i only broken up because i moved a couple months before. So my friends and i set up this elaborate way for me to surprise him...the day after i bought the tickets..i found out he had a new gf. it ******* sucked

cguardchik_012 0

wow wat a bitch i would've made her pay for the ticket home

jen_kay 0

She should have payed for you ticket home. She seems like a bitch though.

you deserved this shit for doing long distance

Just hire an assassin or sniper. One shot and shes dead.