The *****

By FML - 21/06/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, I spent 4 hours carefully cleaning the inside and outside of my car. Fairly proud of the job I had done, I parked my car safely in my garage. Later, I opened my garage to find bird shit all over my car. Apparently birds get nervous when they get trapped in garages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 690
You deserved it 5 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

LMAO!! Well, at least you didn't leave your windows open :D ....or did you?

GlassJAwkidE 3



kill the birds and feed their chicks your shit!

mcortez77 0

Bird don't get nervous when trapped, they just plain poop everywhere. Sorry dude D=

brookeneedsalife 0

Omg. that sucks. That's happened to me before as well. I cleaned my car and got all of the water spots off and everything..annddd it snowed like 4 feet that night... and that's the only snow we got all year pretty much..

kaylasank 0

well at least the inside is still clean! :)

alibi2277439 0

Aww. Poor birds. Did you have fun cleaning off the crap?