The *****

By FML - 21/06/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, I spent 4 hours carefully cleaning the inside and outside of my car. Fairly proud of the job I had done, I parked my car safely in my garage. Later, I opened my garage to find bird shit all over my car. Apparently birds get nervous when they get trapped in garages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 690
You deserved it 5 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

LMAO!! Well, at least you didn't leave your windows open :D ....or did you?

GlassJAwkidE 3


This has got to be one of the better FMLs I've read. way to fail, chika.

I guess you don't deserve it, but I doubt it was that much shit on your car. I assure you it won't take more than 10 minutes to clean it up. Apparently there weren't many birds either. If there were and if you noticed, YDI for trapping the poor birdies in your garage.

LMAO That really sucks OP but it is still pretty funny

Meh, who cares...just go to the self carwash place and spray it off, it'll take like 2 minutes.

Gavik 0

I agree, your life is ******, but at least the inside's alright. That's the hardest to do. It is still clean, right?...

GR3453m0nk3y 4

you should consider yourself lucky. 1. cuz its the outside of the car a few years ago i brought home my 2004 GT mustang for the first time and put it in my garage for the night only to find a raccoon had scrached all over it. :(

ohhhhshizzz 0

It's going to get bigger because you wanna make a fuss about it.

Horsegal 0

Has anyone else noticed the huge amount of FMLs that use apparently? I guess it is the new "proceeded to". OP- FYL definitely!

That's pretty ****** up. Your car gets bird crap all over it while in the garage. Ouch.

at least not on the inside ! on the outside it's much easier to clean out