The virus claims another victim

By Anonymous - 22/11/2020 16:58

Today, I ran out of woodworking masks. I can't get a new one because of COVID. The cotton ones don't stop any of the dangerous particles, and now I have a cough. Screw COVID-19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

as an industrial painter, I would recommend calling a few retailers that cater to businesses. they tend to have higher stock and do not sell for public use. if it's for work they may be willing to sell by the case.

United States...? They have respirator cartridges in stock on Amazon and have since May! (I buy and use those for my woodworking and paint spraying) Canada? No idea, good luck. Try eBay!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. However what doesn't kill you this time will come back with friends and get it right.

United States...? They have respirator cartridges in stock on Amazon and have since May! (I buy and use those for my woodworking and paint spraying) Canada? No idea, good luck. Try eBay!

as an industrial painter, I would recommend calling a few retailers that cater to businesses. they tend to have higher stock and do not sell for public use. if it's for work they may be willing to sell by the case.

ViviMage 38

Can you double up on masks or use the 2.5 insert?