There's always that one friend…

By seriously? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my best friend actually had the audacity to try and one-up my suicide attempt story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 303
You deserved it 10 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How? Seems to me the only way in doing that is actually successfully doing suicide.

**** this shit, I'm gonna be your best friend now. we don't need him ! *wrap arm around shoulder and walks away* seriously, didn't you think about reconsidering your friend ship with this douchebag ?


DKjazz 20

I was in a support group where there was a guy like that. "You've been hospitalized twice now? Oh yeah? Well I've been hospitalized 5 times. So there." Horrible.

Shouldn't you be more worried about the fact that you tried to commit suicide? You have your priorities ****** up.

Canureadthis 4

You both seem like a depressing set of book ends ... Cheer up no more suicide attempts! Go play in sunshine or something. Nothing is that bad.

Is he still alive is the question...but still if he is making it up where are his "scars"? Without them it's fake per se...

edvin_fml 10

what is this, i ... don't ... even ...

He doesn't sound much like a Best friend.

Suicide is a selfish act, not to mention cowardly....face your fears an demons!!! stand up tall an hold your head up because suicide doesnt solve anything it just creates more problems for those around you. Just saying

You've obviously never had to deal with being seriously depressed. Congratulations on your mental well being.

"i've had problems guys. I tried to overdose on my meds. It's been a rough time" "oh yeah? Well I tried to ******* decapitate myself beat that"

xAkonz 10

First off, what the hell is a "suicide story"? It sounds to me like you are trying to brag about it yourself. Next, your friend is obviously an asshole a well, and you should ditch them. Lastly, based on all that, I'm going to assume that you are both over-emotional thirteen year olds. Suicide is not the answer, so you both should get over yourselves and get some help.