There's always that one friend…

By seriously? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my best friend actually had the audacity to try and one-up my suicide attempt story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 303
You deserved it 10 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How? Seems to me the only way in doing that is actually successfully doing suicide.

**** this shit, I'm gonna be your best friend now. we don't need him ! *wrap arm around shoulder and walks away* seriously, didn't you think about reconsidering your friend ship with this douchebag ?


carina_47 16

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

NatalieOntheTram 11

So commit suicide and one-up OP's attention-seeking best friend. (I'm kidding, of course).

I do agree that feeling down b/c someone tried to kill themselves better than u is ridiculous

littlexlune 16

I don't see a point in that. At the end of the day, you're both still alive.

Justy101 23

My ex best friend used to do that all the time. Once I was telling my friends how I had just been diagnosed with sleep apnoea and she started saying things like "That's nothing, I have insomnia. Insomnia is way worse than sleep apnoea". Funniest thing about it was that she didn't even have insomnia. Long story short: Some people are idiots. Learn to laugh at it and you'll be better off for it :)

I think after OP explained how depressed they were and how they almost killed themselves, the "friend" probably said something like "I know exactly how you feel I was also really depressed when my boyfriend dumped me" or something like that.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I don't get how you OP are jealous of this. Why the ****!! Is this something you feel like bragging about??! Seriously what the hell is wrong with you? Find some new friends and quit making suicide something you feel the need to brag about.

perdix 29

That's going to be hard to beat without killing yourself and not being able to savor your victory. Maybe you ought to take up serial murder to make impressive stories with big numbers.

I thought Fml's were supposed to be funny .. This is sad :- sorry that either of u felt the need to attempt taking ur own lives , life is a beautiful gift and ur the only one who can make it worth living .

There are indeed some FMLs that are very sad and deal with serious stuff (this is not the first FML that addresses suicide in a sad way, for example). I don't think they're funny at all.

perdix 29

#55, the funny part is that the OP's biggest problem is his loss of sympathy due to his friend's more spectacular story. You'd think that issues that would drive him to suicide would be a little more serious than a loss of pity from those around him. I find that kinda funny.

Who's actually dumb enough to commit suicide anyway?

Excuse me, but people who attempt or commit suicide are in more emotional pain than you can even comprehend. If you don't understand it, don't call it stupid.

I'm sorry to hear that OP if u can't even succeed with taking your life then your future doesn't look very hopeful. Unless you did it for attention just like how you told your friends that you failed at taking your life to seek attention