There's always that one friend…

By seriously? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my best friend actually had the audacity to try and one-up my suicide attempt story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 303
You deserved it 10 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How? Seems to me the only way in doing that is actually successfully doing suicide.

**** this shit, I'm gonna be your best friend now. we don't need him ! *wrap arm around shoulder and walks away* seriously, didn't you think about reconsidering your friend ship with this douchebag ?


crisanba 18

Maybe your friend was actually trying to make you see that you are not alone in feeling like that

That is NOT a best friend. I was depressed once, self-harmed, and often considered suicide. But my friends and I have just confided in one another, not try to see which one was better or worse. Hang in there, OP. It gets better :)

And to those saying "how can you fail to commit suicide?" it happens, okay? You are interrupted, or you have a realization that you should do it. I've been there, so just shut up. And instead of calling it selfish and putting the OP down (which doesn't help the depression at all. Come on, guys.) support him/her. OP, get a better friend, and I pray that you feel better soon <3

BEST friend maybe something needs to change here??

SamanthaNGoree 10

Wow, attempted suicide is NOT a competition. You're talking about it like its some sort of game by saying your friend tried to "one up" your attempt. Suicide is very serious not some stupid competition.

Did it go down like this! "Pfft you call that a suicide?! I did ......."

If you honestly wanted to commit suicide you would've made sure it worked. YDI, grow a pair and learn to deal with your problems. As terrible as it seems at the time, it won't be that bad forever and you will eventually get through it and the experience will make you a stronger person.

WTF you are using a suicide story to grab attention of FB? Try and get some real help, what you expect from fb apart from a like!?