They're all yours

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was having a garage sale and my mother-in-law came by to see what I was selling. She decided to buy these ugly green wine glasses that were still unopened. It turns out that she gave those to my wife and me when we got married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 129
You deserved it 43 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she had to pay for them twice, fhl :P

If I had a nickel everytime something like this happen... I'd have 15 cents


Toootally recognisable!!!! When my ex and I moved in together, my 'mother in law' asked if there was something she could give us as a celebratory gift, big occasion and all. We didn't have wineglasses so we asked for those, knowing she had excelent taste in these matters (judging from her own glass collection, delicate long-stemmed glasses in various sizes). She got us these hideous green glasses that were also idioticly small, and worst of all, since we weren't supposed to have others, we were forced to use them when she came by, even though I bought nice ones the next week. Not long after we broke up, I coincidentally found out they came from this cheap-ass store and cost 1 dollar a glass. Too bad I never got to thank her appropriately for this amazing gift.

lol ouch, she payed for them twice. wow

Oh my god, the number of people who can's use grammar correctly and then hypercorrect is unbelievable! I think we're living in a world of idots trying to pass themselves off as intelligent. Yes 38, I'm talking about you too. Smiley face, kiss kiss, LOL LOL!!!!!111!!! OP: Did your wife not notice that her mum had bought them for you guys? Or were you selling stuff without her permission? (In which case there is a much bigger FYL on the way!)

this happened to me, except I gave my mother in law a gift. It was a large bowl with floating flower shaped candles, and a year later we went over to help her set up her garage sale and price everything and it was there, still in the box, covered in dust. It felt bad!!!!

Why wouldn't you just give them back to her? Tightarse

Yay grammar pedants! That is all for now.

#38 you're a dumbass. Rule of thumb; can you say "she gave them to I?" No. It's "my wife and me". Go back to school.

I think FML has turned into a English class. One day people are going to realize some of us just don't give a shit.

That's not that bad Ohhh noo now you have ugly wine glasses! I'm so sorry :(