This aged well

By rugs - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while moving, I asked my wife where she put the alcohol. She told me she threw it out, because it was old. It was Scotch. It's supposed to be old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 161
You deserved it 5 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her since she thinks old things are usless, you're going to toss her in the trash if she keeps aging.

sweetdreams999 0

lmao wow you wife must really not be a drinker.


Bludmagnus 13

Wow. Stupidity of that level.... all you can do is stand back, marvel, and say WOW. That chick is living proof the theory of evolution is pure fiction....

Next time don't put the liquor cabinet in the kitchen and these things won't happen

holy shit, just cause u drink alcohol, that doesn't mean ur an alcoholic, so shut the **** up all you people who says OP is a drunk

dealerdon 0

you do realize that scotch stops aging once bottled right???

me_the_maniak 14

Oh dear GOD .... A good bottle gone :'(