This boy

By GirlinGreen - 30/04/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a four year-old. He was mad and began hitting me. I told him to use his words not his fists when he's mad. He then began telling me how much he hated me, and that I should go die and never come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 454
You deserved it 18 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And? He's four, four-year-olds are jerks and need their ass kicked.

What the hell did you do to him anyway? I certainly didn't go around demanding people's deaths when I was four.


paleknight47 0

He needs a swift foot to the asss!!!

I want to have kids, but I'm honestly scared of the toddler stage. You can call me a wimp if you want, I don't care.

A 4 year old? Jesus kids are horrible these days i hate them.

loveyahun 0

Aww...I'm sorry hun. That must have sucked.

you asked him to use his words, and he did :D

marine10_fml 0

a four year old knows what "die" means? how much he "hates" you? Lies! nothing you said is true!

zach055 23

YDI because he did what you asked. He used his words. Its hypocrites like you that make this world such a bad place you BITCH!!!

kitsune3 20

Um, wow...You seriously need to calm the hell down.

zach055 23
deppfreak99 3

I babysit 4 yr old TWINS. They throw fits like that all the time if they don't get their way.

omg that's so funny! but he did listen give him propes for that even though he wants you to die!