This guy is a GENIUS

By Anonymous - 16/11/2020 20:02

Today, in a bid to avoid going to the dentist, my husband decided to have one of his drunk buddies pull his tooth out with pliers. Now he has to have surgery to remove the shards of tooth left rotting in his mouth. It’s going to cost thousands. Thanks babe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 225
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, now you have something to bring up whenever he decides to get drunk with his friends: "Hey, be sure to tell them how much your LAST Drunk Decision cost you."


Hey, now you have something to bring up whenever he decides to get drunk with his friends: "Hey, be sure to tell them how much your LAST Drunk Decision cost you."

Probably wouldn't be that much extra to get him a vasectomy, too, while he's under anesthesia. You don't want to get stuck with dumb kids, do ya?

OP you did not deserve this. But it appears your husband did.

OP deserves it for marrying a moron.

tounces7 27

Well if you leave the shards in, the worst it can do is the infection can eventually get to his brain and kill it. But from the sounds of it, that ship already sailed, so there's really nothing to worry about.

It only cost like $200 to have a tooth pulled at the dentist. On the plus side I'm sure he will be a strong advocate of dental hygiene after this, must be in a lot of pain.

mccuish 25

Was your husband watching the hangover?

DoctorPALO 14

Perhaps ydi for marrying the idiot in the first place?

They should have at least purchases tooth pulling pliers. Woulda saved thousands