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Three's company

By Geoff - 21/12/2020 07:58 - Netherlands - Utrecht

Today I've finally found love and contentment in my wonderful relationships with my girlfriend and boyfriend. We are the perfect thruple and very happy together. My mom has just disowned me because of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 977
You deserved it 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget parents that can't accept their children!!

MaleficusTheUnsung 16


MaleficusTheUnsung 16

Forget parents that can't accept their children!!

anomynous 11

I hope you find contentment and happiness with your partners, OP! If your mom can't love you as you are, she doesn't deserve to be around you.

if your happy she will eventually come around. good luck and stay happy! from a friend in the lifestyle